2023 |
2023/08 Bassmagazine
flea-unlimited-love (traduit)
2023/01 Weekend Australian Review
Slow Burn
2022 |
2022/04 Bass Player
L'amour est dans l'air
2022/04 Classic Rock
Joyeux Retours
2022/04 Rolling Stone #141
Le retour du frère prodigue
2022/03 Los Angeles Times
How the Red Hot Chili Peppers rediscovered themselves
2022/02 NME
on sent un vent de fraicheur, comme un nouveau groupe
2022 Mixdown Magazine #324
Cover Story
2020 |
2020/11 Liberation
Le son est la vérité de la musique
2020/09 Bass Magazine #6
Blood, Sugarr, Sex, Magik, Drugs, Mischief & Self Discovery
2016 |
2016/06/15 Tribune de Genève
L’héroïne? Plus personne ne s’amuse à ça
2016/01/16 Humanity
Interview Anthony Kiedis
2016.07.17 Le Journal du Quebec
Des plaines bondées pour les Red Hot
2014 |
2014/11/06 Rolling Stone
Flea in Low Down
2014/02/05 Le Monde.fr
Super Bowl et air guitar : le mea culpa
2013 |
2013/03/01 Surfing
Collectors issue #150
2012 |
2012/04/01 Musicradar
Josh Klinghoffer nous parle de son groupe Dot Hacker
2011 |
2011/08/01 Drums!
Chad Smith sneak peek at the new RHCP
2011/07/27 Empik
2011/07/16 Crossbeat
2009 |
2009/12 24 Heures (Suisse)
Le mauvais Noël des RHCP
2009/07 24 Heures (Suisse)
Les vieux rockeurs se lachent
2009/05/03 Bass_Player
Flea introduces his new signature axe!
2009/04 Guitar World
Chickefoot : FOWL play
2008 |
2008/04 Bass Part (hors série 43H)
Flea Goldfingers
2008/02 Malibu Magazine
Anthony Kiedis
2007 |
2007/10 Tape Op #61
Interview John Frusciante (traduit)
2007/03 Blender
The Pursuit of Happiness (traduit)
2006 |
2006/07 Rock Mag #67
Les Dieux du stade
2006/06 Paris Match
Les Red Hot Chili Peppers toujours plus épicés
2006/06 Modern Drummer
Bringing The heat
2006/05/09 Le Parisien
Rien n'arrête les Red Hot
2006/05 Batterie Mag
Coeur de batteur
2006/05 Rolling Stone #40
Arcade Fire
2005 |
2005/10 Spin Vol 21 #10
The Innovators
2005/01 Guitar Player
John Frusciante Inside Of Emptiness
2004 |
2004/12 24 Heures (Suisse)
Redemption Songs
2004/10 Drummer Mag #12
Chili Peppers Chad Smith
2004/07 Rhythm
Chad Smith :"After 20 years there is ..."
2004/07 Mojo
Hi Jack Mojo
2004/06 Rock&Folk
2004/05 Paris Match
l'éternelle renaissance
2004/04 Guitar World
Death Wish
2004/04 Total Guitar
John Frusciante
2004/04 Guitarist
John Frusciante
2004/03 Metro
L'homme qui n'a...
2004/03 Liberation
Cordes sensibles
2004/03 Guitar Part #120
Shadow Collide with People
2004/01 Kerrang Legends
Up and down with the greatest rock band!
2003 |
2003/11 RockMag
Story 4/4 Indestructibles
2003/10 RockMag
Story 3/4 Coup Double
2003/09 RockMag
Story 2/4 Freaks On The Mic
2003/08 RockMag
Story 1/4 Hello EMI
2003/06 Guitarist
Universally Speaking
2003/04 Music Connection
Dave Navarro Interview
2003/04 Aftonbladet
JF: Shadows Colliding with People
2003/03 24Heures
Les Diablotins et le bon dieu
2003/03 ?
Flea interview
2003/03 Riff Magazine #7
Interview John Frusciante
2003/02/09 Le Journal du Dimanche
La californie extrême des Red Hot
2003/02 Le Monde
Réaction chimique à Bercy
2002 |
2002/11 Jane
The same five Questions
2002/11 Jane
5 Questions de bases
2002/11 Compex
Anthony & Snoop talk Pfunk, Porno and Positivity
2002/11 Kerrang
Don't Look Down
2002/08 Total Guitar
John Frusciante on the lost ...
2002/08 Spin Magazine
2002/08 Fab Classic Rock #43
Red Hot Chili Peppers Interview
2002/08 Pulse
Love Loss Live Magik
2002/08 Guitar World
The Red Hot Chili Peppers returns
2002/08 Bass Player
Flea : At Your Service
2002/08 Rock Mag #20
Red Hits Chili Peppers
2002/07/09 Le Parisien
Les Red Hot s'adoucissent
2002/07 Kerrang! #911
The Young Ones
2002/07 Compact #26
Ou est le poivre ?
2002/07 Guitarist Magazine
Peppers tranquilles ?
2002/07 Rimshot
Chad Smith live in Paris
2002/06 Q Magazine
Shiiiiit! We're alive
2002/06 Kerrang!
London Secret Show Review
2002/06 Tutto
RHCP interview
2002/06 Rock&Folk
Red Hot Chili Peppers: Le retour
2002/05 ArtistPro
Drummer On Top :Chad Smith
2002/04 Batterie Magazine
Votez Red Hot
2002/03 NewsBeat
At Home With Chad Smit
2002/01 Penthouse U.S.A
Anthony Kiedis Interview - 01/2002
2002/01 Guitar One
Two Sides To Every Story
2002-07 Riff
Red Pop Chili Peppers
2001 |
2001/12 Rocksound (by Thomas VDG)
Blood Sugar Sex Mystik
2001/10 Guitar Center
Chad Smith: Pearls Of Wisdom
2001/10 Guitar Center
Flea: Inside The Flea Circus
2001/04 Rock Mag #5
J.frusciante dans la 4eme ...
2001/03 Rock Mag #4
l'age de raison ?
2001/02 Wall Of Sound
Sound Off
2001/02 Kerrang!
J.frusciante : TROWFTD review
2001/02 Rock Mag #3
Scènes de libe
2001/02 Guitare Basse
Red Hot Chili Peppers en solo
2000 |
2000/12 Interview Magazine
Interview Anthony Kiedis
2000/12 Rolling Stone
AK : The King of California
2000/09 Cdnow.com
Red Hot Chili Peppers Interview
2000/08 Kerrang! #34
The Last Of The Mohicans
2000/04 Rolling Stone #839
Are we not men? we are peppers!
2000/01 Dr Drew
Anthony Kiedis: Giving It Away
1999 |
1999/11 Best #8
Rencontre avec Flea & Chad
1999/10 Australian Guitar
The prodigal son returns
1999/09 Guitar Player #357
John Frusciante : He's Back
1999/09 Guitar.com
Spotlight Feature : RHCP
1999/09 MCM.net
Confession exclusive
1999/08 Guitar One #8
Red Hot Once Again !
1999/08 Modern Drummer
Serving Up A New Red Hot Brew
1999/07 Batteur Magazine #125
1999/07 Guitar World
Good Times Boys
1999/07 Guitar Part
Interview Red Hot Chili Peppers
1999/06 Rock&Folk #382
Hollywood Vampirise le Rock
1999/06 Guitare&Claviers #208
le retour de John Frusciante
1999/06 Guitarist #114
Le retour de l'enfant prodige
1999/06 Metal Hammer
Fornicating California Style
1999/06 Rock Sound
Life You love
1999/05 Best #3
Interview pimentée
1999/03 Bass Collector #5
Le Flea de Beverly Hills
1999/00 Addicted To Noise
Back In The Saddle
1999/00 Cdnow.com
The RHCP wipe The Slate Clean
1998 |
1998/09 Guitarist #105
L.A Confidential
1998/06 Batteur Magazine #113
Eté Hot !
1997 |
1997/11 Guitar World #11
Shock Exchange
1997/10/ Guitarist #95
Dave & Flea : Raides Hot
1997/03 Bass Collector #1
Set Me Flea
1997/00 Hard Force
RHCP interview
1996 |
1996/08 Rock & Folk
2 piments sous la pluie
1996/07 Rock&Folk
Nous con-ti-nuons !
1996/07 Guitar Collectors
Fusion Addiction: La saga des pionniers
1996/07 Hard & Heavy #26
Vicious Rumour
1996/06 Rocksound
Certains l'aiment show
1996/06 Rock Sound
Red Hot au pays de Silverchair
1996/03 Rock Sound #34
Red Hot à New York
1996/02 Guitarist #78
Interview Dave Navarro
1996/02 Bass Player
Flea starts from scratch
1996/02 Rockpile
The Flea interview
1995 |
1995/10 Hard&Heavy
Quelques Minutes ... épicées
1995/09 Batteur Magazine #82
Red Hot Funky Drummer
1995/09 Guitarist #73
Piments From L.A
1995/09 Rock&Folk #337
Héros Va-Te-Faire-Foutre
1995/06 Rhythm Magazine
1995/05 Guitare&Claviers #163
Au Travail - 05/1995
1995/05 Guitare&claviers
Au travail !
1995/03 Rock Sound #28
Flea, Ses Chats, Ses Basses, Sa Fille
1995/03 Rock Sound
Veillée d'Armes
1995 Artist Direct
Red Hot Chili Peppers
1994 |
1994/11 Rock Sound #24
Pervers Peppers! (2eme partie)
1994/10 Rock Sound #23
Pervers Peppers! (1er partie)
1994/05 Modern Drummer
Inerview Exclusive
1994/04 Rolling Stone #679
Confessions Of Sir Psycho
1994/02 Guitar World
Beyond Addiction
1994 Raw #163
John Frusciante : Space Cadet
1993 |
1993/11 Hard Rock Mag #108
Chili Story
1993/02 Rhythm Magazine
Interview Chad Smith
1992 |
1992/12 Entertainment Weekly
10 Red Hot Chili Peppers
1992/08 Entertainment Weekly Magazine
The New Rock
1992/07 Guitar School
Funy Monks
1992/06 Rolling Stone #633
Naked Truth
1992/05 Bass&Drum
Flea c'est qui ?
1991 |
1991/11 Guitare&Claviers #124
They're Red Hot
1991/11 Rock&Folk
1991/09 Guitar Part
Infectious Grooves
1991/07 Cream Vol2 #1
Sex Is A Many Blendered Thing
1990 |
1990/06 Kerrang! #673
Anthony's Sex Files
1989 |
1989/11 Alternative Press #24
Funkin' Up The Milky Way - 11/1989
1986 |
1986/04 Seconds Magazine #4
Flea discusses details of the Uplift Mofo Party Plan
1986/02/05 Los Angeles Times
Chili Peppers Dish Up Bare Bravado - 02/1986
1986/01 San Francisco Chronicle
Smug And Rude Are The Boys In The ... - 01/1986
1985 |
1985/12/13 Houston Chronicle
Peppers Are A MotleyCrew - 12/1985
1985/11/03 N.Y Times
The Ritz Review - 11/1985
1985/08 BAM
Born To Be Wired
1984 |
1984/09/14 L.A.weekly
Why that might not be so sad
1984/05/31 L.A.weekly
Red Hot Chili Peppers Will Nude In Public - 05/1984